Primary at Goose Creek

Toddler Montessori School General Information


  • Primary: 3 - 5 years (and toilet trained).

Hours of Operation
The Primary Montessori School hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The Primary Montessori School Day Program hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and includes the Kindergarten program for children turning 5 before September 30. We also offer the Montessori Extended Day Program (8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.)

Student Enrollment Procedures
• Application fee: A one time $50 non-refundable fee must accompany submission of an application.
• Acceptance: Following receipt of the application, a teacher/parent/child “get to know you” meeting will be scheduled at
the school, at a mutually convenient time.
• Deposit: A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is due upon acceptance and reserves a place for your child in the classroom. This
deposit may be deducted from the annual or the second semester tuition payment or, if the tuition is paid by the installment plan, it can be deducted from the tuition payment only. For returning students, the deposit will be rolled over to the following school year.
Payments can be made in an Annual payment (1 payment) due September 1, Semester (2 payments) due Sept. 1 and Jan. 1, or Installment Plan (10 equal installments due the first of each month beginning September 1 through June 1).

Refunds and Adjustments
All children are enrolled for the full ten-month school year. No tuition refund will be made due to illness, vacation or withdrawal. If the school is given a 60-day written notice of a child leaving school, then tuition is payable through the 60 days. The deposit is non-refundable.

Dismissal Policy
A child may be dismissed at the school’s discretion upon a written notice to the parent for consistent aggressive or disruptive behavior, either physical or verbal by the parent or child. A child may also be asked to leave if the staff believes the child is not benefiting from our Montessori program. In this instance the deposit will be refunded and tuition prorated according to the time a child was actually enrolled.

Observation and Conference
Observations and conferences may be scheduled at any time by the parent or the teacher. There are two formal assessments during the school year, the first is a written narrative, which is distributed the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and the second is a conference with the teacher, which is held during late winter to discuss student development.

Trial Period
The first six weeks are considered a trial period for the parents, student and staff. During that time, the contract may be terminated without any further obligation on the part of either the school or the parent. The tuition during this period will be prorated for the time the child is actually in attendance. The deposit is not refundable unless the school dismisses the child.

Parent Activities
At Goose Creek we have an “open door” policy into the classroom for parents and custodial parents. Several programs are scheduled for parents throughout the year. Parent Education Night features a discussion of Montessori theory and the opportunity to ask questions and meet other parents. A special Little Teacher’s Day with Mom and Little Teacher’s Day with Dad are scheduled later in the year. All parents are encouraged to contact the school regarding any particular interest or hobby they have which can be shared with the children during class time.

Health Form and Proof of Identity
Health regulations require that each child must have a physician’s certificate of physical examination before they can be admitted to any school. The certificate should be submitted to the Montessori School at Goose Creek no later than the first day of school. Additionally, you will need to provide proof of identity, either a passport or birth certificate.

Parents are asked to dress their children neatly and simply. Children will be provided aprons in class when it is necessary to protect their clothing. Names should be attached to, or marked on, all removable clothing. Parents are asked to provide the school with a full change of clothing to be kept at the school.

All children are served a nutritious mid-morning snack each day. Extended day children are also served an afternoon snack. Parents may provide refreshments on their child’s birthday if they wish.

Montessori Extended Day Program Information
Our Extended Day Program consists of a school program which is designed to provide quality care and a pleasant atmosphere for the children and is supervised by a trained Montessori teacher. Cots, sheets and blankets are provided for naps. Medicine may be dispensed according to written orders from the child’s doctor.

Children enjoy the great outdoors every day, weather permitting. Since only rain, extreme cold, or wind interfere with this time, it is important to dress the children accordingly. Story time, circle games, exercise, dramatic play, music, arts and crafts, and creative free play are all a part of a busy, happy day at our school.

Each child staying all day brings a boxed lunch. Emphasis is placed on healthy eating habits, good nutrition and proper table manners.

Snow Policy
For weather emergencies, we will usually follow Loudoun County Public Schools, but will also consider the other jurisdictions that surround us. Should Loudoun County close schools for the day, we will most likely close as well. Should Loudoun County open late, we will notify you through email and Brightwheel with our opening time.

(The Montessori School at Goose Creek Preserve admits children without regard to race, color, or national origin)